Building Sustainable DE&I Initiatives: Moving Beyond Targets

What You Can Expect

The business case for DE&I grows more compelling each year. Greater workforce diversity leads to new ideas and fresh perspectives which boost creativity, whilst inclusion at work enhances workforce productivity and wellbeing. Organisations who have implemented initiatives have trouble evaluating outcomes, but how do you move beyond those targets and realise the full benefits of a truly inclusive workforce?

The adaptations required to realise greater diversity and inclusion are multi-faceted and require decisive action. However, organisations often struggle to identify priorities and determine their strategic approach.

Join us on to hear best practice and valuable insights from subject matter experts from organisations such as Serco, Bord Bia (The Irish Food Board) and Telia Company who will guide you through how to unlock the true potential of your workforce and create a fairer, more inclusive workplace.

Session #1

Understanding hidden talent and potential to create a more inclusive workplace

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To meet the challenges posed by the future of work, we need to rethink how we define and measure potential. Traditional models of potential can be overly exclusive – focusing only on the top 5-10% of the workforce. But what about the remaining 90% of the workforce who are not deemed ‘potential’?

Potential is not only about being a leader, it is about your capability to upskill within your current role to remain productive, reskill into a senior role (promotion) or move laterally to a new role. Viewing potential through an inclusive and a positive lens helps us to shape a new way of thinking about and measuring potential. A way which is more employee-centric and more encompassing.

In this hour-long session expert panellists from Aon cover key subject areas such as:

  • Rethinking Potential: Using an inclusive definition and methodology
  • Demystifying DE&I: Creating a holistic solution and exploring use case
  • Fostering a culture of Inclusivity: Creating lasting workplace change and evaluating outcomes


Suzanne Courtney

Strategic Director, Europe - Aon Assessment Solutions

Suzanne studied Occupational Psychology and is currently completing a doctorate focused on creating pay and opportunity equity for under represented groups - a topic she is highly passionate about. Her role as a Strategic Director in Aon Assessment Solutions focuses on helping clients enable diversity, equity and inclusion by democratizing the concept of potential, identifying hidden talent, enablement of diversity of thought through wider talent pools and upskilling of leaders.

She is keen to enable inclusivity across the organisations by introducing development solutions which help individuals identify skills gaps within their current role or stepping-up or moving horizontally with the wider intention of using data modelling to close pay gap ratios. Suzanne is also a key contributor to numerous assessment innovations including the change leader model, growth mindset solution and re-skilling / up-skilling solution.

She regularly releases thought leadership on human resource topics and works in a team within Aon which focuses on using our technology and solutions for creating greater good in society.

Shazeaa Ingar

Senior Consultant, Europe - Aon Assessment Solutions

Shazeaa studied Occupational Psychology at the University of Leicester, UK. She spent over 10 years in the UAE working within the field of Leadership development where she designed Leadership and Development Assessment centres and coached hundreds of C-suite board members. Her role as a Senior consultant at Aon Assessment Solutions focuses on creating objective and reliable assessment solutions to support organisations with their recruitment and hiring plans.

She has a strong focus and passion in being part of the change in supporting clients in their diversity and inclusion agenda through their Assessment processes. Her role focuses on designing and delivering assessment solutions that are powerful predictors of hiring the best talent. She is keen to ensure that clients have access to the best scientifically validated tools when making hiring decisions and she is keen to ensure that processes are led by data and science.

She has worked and led on large scale Global projects across a variety of sectors, retail and finance being the two main areas of focus for her.

Session #2

Panel Discussion: Real life examples on how to create a mindful and inclusive workforce

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A truly diverse and inclusive workplace celebrates a universal truth: we are all the same, and we are all different (and different is good).

We need to delve into what inclusivity means at its very core and how can we create real, systemic change in our workplaces.

In this hour-long panel discussion expert panellists from Serco, Bord Bia (The Irish Food Board) and Telia Company cover key subject areas such as:

  • Case Studies: Real life examples from talent and HR leaders
  • Experiences and Stories: Learn how organisations have implemented DE&I Talent Strategies
  • The Importance of DE&I in Talent: What are the benefits of building truly diverse and inclusive workplaces?


Jakob Andren

Chief Regional Officer, Europe - Aon Assessment Solutions

Jakob is a results focused and people-oriented leader and business psychologist with 10+ experience
in the assessment market. He has a strong interest in the application of psychometrics to ensure client success and is experienced in business strategy, financial understanding, management, HR related matters, as well as board related work and merger and acquisitions.

Jakob studied Psychology at Stockholm University and Business Administration at Uppsala University before going on to lead Aon Assessment Solutions in Sweden, with his colleague Henric Bruvik. He was recently promoted to the role of Chief Regional Officer Europe. In this role Jakob guides the organisation and all of the in-market managing directors across Europe and ensures the organisation is at the forefront of innovation and client success.


Chris Hovde

Global People Movement Lead | People EX and Culture – Telia Company

Chris, is an urban monk who is passionate about his purpose to make people and robots fight together for a better society. His core values are to live integrative, equal and authentic.

He has broad business experience from various leadership positions and HR in large international companies such as Telia Company, IKEA and Varner Group, as well as the former CEO of an Oslo based healthcare clinic called Balder. He has been nominated for a number of awards for his leadership talent and work.

He is currently working as Global People Movement Lead at Telia Company where his main focus is diversity, leadership and self-leadership development, on- and offboarding, employer branding and innovation. He is Chairman of the Board of Future Leaders Global and is the Founder of Regenerative Monks where he is an active speaker, community builder, facilitator, mentor, coach and advisor for everything from startups, to business leaders and youth.

He is educated within Retailing Management from BI, management theories from NHH, an Executive Master in Management and a master’s program in Digital Transformation and Leadership from Oslo MET. He was born in Skien and raised in Drammen and Bergen. He now lives in Oslo.

Rebecca Jeffs

Global Colleague Experience Director - Serco

Rebecca’s experience working across various organisations spans more than 20 years from Australia to the Middle East and now across the world with Serco. Starting in the education sector, she moved into corporate HR building her career across all functions, including three years as the Divisional HR Director for Serco Middle East.

Rebecca now works with leaders and colleagues in Serco globally on various aspects of experience including Diversity and Inclusion and Colleague Insights. A qualified CTI and certified ORSC Team Coach, she is passionate about collaborating with leaders in creating the conditions by which all colleagues can thrive at Serco.

Tara McCarthy

CEO - Bord Bia (The Irish Food Board)

Tara is the Chief Executive of Bord Bia and brings with her over 20 years’ experience in the wider food industry. She was previously Chief Executive of Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), Ireland’s seafood development agency. She has operated in overseas markets such as Germany, France and Belgium for over 10 years.

Tara succeeded in delivering a number of instrumental initiatives for the Irish Food Industry under the ‘Pathways for Growth’ programme, working in entrepreneurship and talent development. She was previously director of the Food and Beverages Division in Bord Bia, and has led a team of senior executives on the development of the seafood, diary, prepared foods, alcohol and small business sectors.

Tara holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree with an MBS in Marketing from Smurfit Business School, and is an affiliate of IMD Business School, Switzerland. She was awarded Fellowship of the Marketing Institute of Ireland in September 2018 and the 2019 UCD Smurfit School ‘Alumna of the Year’.