Upgrade your Ability and Skills Tests

Cognitive ability tests are powerful predictors of job performance and long-term professional success. These short and engaging tests can be used early in the hiring process to quickly and reliably screen out unsuitable applicants, saving your time and theirs.

Smart Hiring made easy

Cognitive ability tests offer an efficient way to hire employees at scale. Aon’s assessments can be customized to your brand and are designed to be delivered in a reliable and decentralized way without a test supervisor.

Find Best-Fit Talent
Objectively measure the skills and abilities needed for your roles to make reliable hiring decisions quickly. Industry-specific ability tests make them more relevant to applicants, with the option to customize to your employer branding.

Engage Diverse Applicants
Attract a deeper talent pool, give fair opportunities and assess relevant aptitudes and potential. Our mobile-first assessments make it easy for applicants to complete cognitive ability tests at their own convenience on any device, in multiple languages. Gamified elements enhance the experience, making serious situations more engaging.

Predict Future Success
Develop company- and job-specific success profiles, cut-off rates and match scores to realize your talent strategy. Scientifically valid and robust test design generates meaningful results in just a short time.

Customize for Your Requirements

In addition to being customizable for your brand, Aon ability and skills tests can be customized for the specific competencies that matter most to you.
●    Numerical Tests 
●    Verbal Tests
●    Abstract Logical Tests
●    Specific Cognitive Tests
●    Language Tests  
●    Specific Cognitive Tests


Are you a candidate? Find out more about assessments here

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