Support Your People And Your Organization 

Constructive feedback from multiple perspectives is essential for leaders to explore how to develop and take the business forward. Becoming aware of personal blind spots allows managers to target development in these areas. Aon helps organizations:

●    Sharpen Insight: Managers understand how others perceive them, compared to their own perception
●   Enable Development: Allow manager to understand competency and skills gaps to support personal development
●    Support Cultural Change: Use feedback to align values and behaviours with the organization's goals


Aon's Feedback Systems Help You:

Support career progression and succession planning ​

Provide a clear understanding of the competencies needed for career progression. Help leaders and managers understand their strengths and highlight areas to develop. Transparency supports autonomous action.


Drive desirable behaviors 

360 or 180 degree feedback can help organizations establish to what extent colleagues and teams are aligned.

Aon works with organizations to drive culture change through the use of assessments. Companies may need to move in a different direction either after a merger or to retain a competitive position. For example, to foster open and honest feedback up (as well as down) the ranks or to initiate discussions around desirable culture and behaviors.

Features of Aon's 360 Degree Feedback 

  • Self-explanatory: interactive example sequences
  • Flexible to allow for 360, 180 or management assessments
  • Customizable to your competency framework
  • Available in multiple languages
  • Short to complete
  • Seamless integration into any workflow systems

Why Choose

assessments deployed
each year

languages available in our product range

colleagues with
assessment expertise